Event Tips & Tricks

Behold an ever growing list of tips and tricks for attending costumed events

Table of Contents


Here is a list of tips and tricks for starting your journey in the world of fantasy—from finding an event, to setting expectations and a budget, to purchasing tickets, to finding costumes and preparing for the event. 

Finding Fantasy Events

Discover Fantastigal’s Calendar of Fantastical Events! 

From grand balls and seasonal fêtes to creative escapes and magical adventures to fanciful festivals and comical conventions—the calendar is a free portal of discovery for fantasy enthusiasts. 

Discover the calendar

Faire Finder and The Renlist are two comprehensive websites that help one discover and locate a wide range of Faires and Renaissance festivals, providing detailed information for fantasy enthusiasts and history lovers alike. 

Looking for immersive performances specifically—check out No Proscenium “your guide to the ever-evolving world of immersive art & entertainment.” 

More coming soon!

Social media is a great resource for finding fantasy events. Search hashtags #FantasyEvents, #FantasyBalls, #BooktokBalls, ect for past and upcoming events. Also, follow ambassadors or influencers in the fantasy, booktok, and costume space to engage and keep up to date.  

Expectations & Budget

Understanding what you want from the event helps manage your expectations. 

If you have unrealistic expectations, you might end up disappointed if the event doesn’t meet them. 

By being aware of your expectations, you can better align those expectations with the reality of what the event is offering as well as evaluate whether the ticket price aligns with what you anticipate from the event.

Check out Navigating Fantasy Events: Before You Buy Tickets

Understanding your budget constraints helps to ensure that you don’t overspend or exceed your financial limits, preventing potential financial strain. 

Also with this awareness, you can make informed decisions about which events are feasible and prioritize those that offer the most value within your budget. 

Keep in mind additional expenses such as costumes, transportation, food, and accommodations. 

Set a budget for:

  • Costumes
  • Travel
  • Accommodations
  • Food
  • Merchandise
  • Emergencies 


Check out Navigating Fantasy Events: Before You Buy Tickets

Research the Event & Purchasing Tickets
Contact the Event with Questions & Concerns

If there are any questions not answered for the event be sure to contact the event producers via the recommended modes of communication (website, email, social, discord, ect.) 

Make sure to contact the event producers in a timely manner with any needed dietary or accessibility accommodations. 

The more in advance you notify the event producers of any concerns, the more likely they will be able to accommodate your requests. This is dependent on the company, but ideally contacting the event company a month prior to the event is recommended.

Attending an Events Solo
  • Connect with fellow attendees before the event 
    • If the event has a discord, there is usually a channel for those attending solo to connect. 
    • See if there are facebook groups for those attending events to connect with others. 
  • Make friends by attending smaller events hosted by the production company leading up the ball. 
  • Stay tuned for  more tips and tricks for attending events on your own. 
What to bring to the event?

Check out the Ultimate Checklist for Events and more tips and tricks on this subject coming soon! 

  • Review the event rules regarding dress code (example: some events do not allow weapons or fairy wings or require floor length gowns for femme presenting looks). 
  • Create a Pinterest inspiration board inspired by the events theme. 
  • Look for previous events held by the production company and see what attendees are wearing. 
  • Follow ambassadors  for the event and what they will be wearing. 
  • Refer to your budget and keep that in mind while shopping or creating your costume. 
  • Look to ambassadors to see what brands they will be wearing and they trust. 
  • On a budget, check second hand and resale stores. 
  • Repurpose a dress from a different occasion. 


Stay tuned for more tips coming soon! 

There are so many awesome and ingenious costumers and cosplayers with a myriad of tutorials to follow and support you in bringing your fantasy to life! 

Here’s to making your own magic and check out Fantastigal’s DIY page featuring tutorials, patterns, books, and more. 

Love your costume, but also be comfortable.

  • Wear or bringing a pair of shoes for a long dancing night. 
  • Make sure undergarments are well-fitted, but not too tight. 
  • Be cognisant of weather and develop options for your costume based on rain, heat, or cold. 
  • Test all cosmetics before the day of the event to prevent any reactions. 
  • Take care of your eyes—bring eye drops and your glasses (just in case) if you are wearing contacts. 
Getting Ready | Get into the Fantasy!

Set a vibe while you are getting ready for the main event:

  • Play music aligned with the theme of the event 
  • Play a movie that gets you into the theme 

To keep hydrated and/or start the party have a fun mocktail or cocktail while preparing for the event. 


GRWM or “Get ready with Me Video” is a fun away to capture the moment before the ball. 

Other great videos are before and after and transformation videos. 

Keep your costume checklist close by and even tape on the mirror for reminders as you prepare for the event. 

Remember to check out the Ultimate Checklist for Events when creating your own!

We have all been there—you are halfway to your event and you left the curling iron on. 

Before you leave make sure all appliances are turned off—including that dang curling iron, ect.

Event Ambassadorship

Events love to get the word out and to do that will seek out social and artisan ambassadorships. Check the event webpage to see if they have ambassador program or inquire regarding potential oppertunities.

  • Before agreeing to be an ambassador, confirm the responsibilities are clearly set out for both yourself and the event company. 
  • Make sure these requirements are outlined in writing. 
  • Be candid with yourself and the company if you will be able to fulfill the responsibilities. 
Transportation to the Event

Confirm the parking arrangements with the event producer or venue and if any fees are associated. 

  • If staying at a preferred hotel, confirm if shuttles will be transporting to the event and the times of transportation. 
  • Don’t be late for the shuttle—better yet arrive early for the shuttle. 
  • Since you arrived early, double check you have everything you need for the event. 
  • Make sure there are ride services available in the area of the event. 
  • Schedule your ride service ahead of time.
    • Occasionally, there can be a rush before or after an event. 
    • Moreover, there can be price surges due to the event beginning and ending. 
  • When leaving the event in a car service app—Share your ride locations with someone you trust 

Prepare for traffic and plan accordingly. Use a maps app to estimate the best time to leave and also plan for unexpected delays. 


Immersing and Engaging

Give yourself moments where you put away your phone. While our phones are a great tool to stay connected, they also can be a huge distraction. When you are with others, make a conscious choice to put down your phone and focus on the person right in front of you. 

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More to come! 

Trinket trade is a fantastic way to break the ice and make new fantastical friends. Stay tuned for an article on trinkets! 

Whether an immersive experience or a larp, creating a character offers the opportunity to not just follow the fantasy, but live it. 

Stay tuned for a guide on character creation! 

  • Even in character, always be respectful of fellow attendees and event staff. 
  • Keep respectful physical boundaries and always ask for consent. 
  • Don’t ruin the moment—especially during the event, don’t talk negatively about the event around other attendees. Seek out an event staff member to raise any issues.
Capturing the Moment

Plan the content you want to capture—start the night off capturing the moment and then let yourself enjoy the night!

  • Find the light in the venue 
  • Create a dynamic pose with movement 
  • Plan you Pose: decide your pose(s) in advance 
  • Look to see if events are hosting content creation hours or opportunities 
  • Look to see if events are offering portrait session.
  • If they are taking portraits, identify the event photographer and request a photo. 
  • Wait Your Turn: If there is a popular spot for photos, patiently wait your turn or come back another time during the event. 
  • Be Aware: Try not to walk into other attendees shots 
  • Be Quick: Don’t hog the photo booth or the event location and be respectful for those who are waiting for their shot. 
  • Ask if someone if they are willing to capture the moment and if so, be sure to say thank you


Rest Up and Take Care of Your Well-Being

More coming soon!

More coming soon! 

Costume Care

More coming soon! 

More coming soon! 

Keep the Fantasty Alive
  • Keep the fantasy alive by following and messaging all the new friends and contacts you made while at the event. 
  • Plan your next adventure together.
  • Create a folder to share photos & videos with fellow attendees and new friends.  
  • Post all your new memories and be sure to tag the event, ambassadors, affliated artists, and friends. 
  • Relive the magic from the event on social media and other outlets. 
  • Look out for official photo galleries of portraits and event ambriance from the event. 
  • Cherish all your trinkets and make something magical with them to honor the moment. 

If applicable, fill out feedback forms and let the event producer know your thoughts—make sure to include what you loved or want more of!  

Plan Your Next Adventure

Having something to look forward to and be excited about is one of the quickest way to get over the “fantasy ball blues,” “con-crash” or “post-con depression.”

Here’s to planning your next fantastical adventure! 


  • Identify accessibility in the venue. 
  • Identify if there is a quiet or decompression space to sit and rest.
  • Make sure to trust your instincts, assert your boundaries, and seek out support from event staff for help if needed. 
  • Hydrate before, during, and after the event.
  • Bring a water bottle if needed and allowed. 
  • Watch your alcohol consumption and know your limits.   
  • Make sure you have enough to eat and eat prior to the event if applicable. 
  • Bring snacks if needed or allowed. 
  • Contact with the event producer regarding any food allergies or dietary restrictions. 
  • Continue to confirm food allergies and dietary restrictions with event staff at the event. 
  • Watch your glass and never it leave unattended. 
  • Keep your bag close or check your items into the coat check.  
  • Identify event staff for support and let them know if something makes you uncomfortable. 
  • Identify safety exits in case of an emergency. 

Designate a few people or at least one person who will have your back at the event. Your buddy(s) could include friends who are attending, fellow guests, event staff, or also remote friend(s) who is aware you will be attending the event. 

  • Find a meeting point at the event for you and your buddy(s) if you get lost. 
  • Make sure your buddy(s) are aware of any medications you may need and consent to support you during the event, if needed.
  • When leaving the event in a car service app—share your ride location with your buddy(s). 
  • Text your buddy(s) when leaving for the event.
  • Text your buddy(s) once safe at your accommodations after the event. 
  • In case of emergency, have the number for your buddy(s) and key contacts memorized. 