During the darker parts of my life and others close to me, fantasy has been a source of comfort and courage. 

I am so grateful to the authors and artist who continue to create a lair of wondrous treasures, not only to escape too but return from with a deeper understanding of reality and the bravery to face it.

My hope is that Fantastigal serves as a safe haven of inspiration and creation—a cocoon where dreamers can fill their souls with beautiful imaginings and mythical stories—only to return to the world wings spread. 

Go with me and follow the fantasy. 

— 🦋


A companion to fantastical realms, events, stories, costumes, and beyond, Fantastigal’s quest is one of inspiration—inviting viewers and readers to explore their own creativity and make their own magic through a highly curated collection of stories and resources.  


I believe that diversity and inclusion are crucial for a vibrant and enriching community of fantasy enthusiasts. I am committed to creating a safe and welcoming space for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, religion, nationality, ability, or any other characteristic that makes someone unique — and fantastical. 

I recognize the importance of representation in the fantasy genre and will work to feature a diverse range of stories and perspectives in my content. I pledge to foster a culture of respect and empathy in all of my interactions with my readers, viewers, contributors, and partners. 

I also understand that diversity and inclusion are ongoing processes that require continuous education and growth. I will actively listen to feedback and continually work to improve my practices to ensure that everyone feels heard, valued, and respected.